What are the 4 manoeuvres in driving?

reverse bay park manual car

What are the 4 manoeuvres in driving?

In December 2017 major changes were made to the UK driving test. One of these changes involve the manoeuvers. These changes were made to reflect real life driving. The turn in the road exercise, the so-called three-point turn and the reverse around the corner were removed from the test. However, practice that you continue to learn these manoeuvers. Currently, the driving examiner will request that you carry out one out of possible four manoeuvers. These manoeuvers are explained below.

The Parallel Park Manoeuvre

This particular manoeuvre involves reverse parking between two vehicles. This particular manoeuvre will only be requested on the left-hand side of the road. Many learner drivers are worried about that particular exercise thinking they may get a very small space. However, the driving examiner will give you at least two car lengths of space in which to carry out the exercise. On occasions, there may only be one vehicle. The driving examiner will request that you park alongside a vehicle and then to reverse parked behind it. Although there may not be a vehicle behind you, you will be required to park within two car length of space. If you continue to reversed back further, you could be marked as a serious fault.

If there is a driveway, the driving examiner will usually ask you to ignore the driveway for this particular exercise. However, if they do not, you may still ignore it. Many learner drivers fail the test because they do not fully understand the examiner. This should never be the case. You may talk freely to the examiner during the test. Furthermore, you can ask the examiner to repeat any instructions that you do not fully understand.

The driving examiner will be looking for all-round observations before and during the parking exercise. It is vital that you give way to drivers, cyclist and pedestrians. Only proceed if safe. Many learner drivers have been known to fail the parallel Park exercise due to not looking into their blind spots before starting to turn left towards the curb. It is vital to bear in mind that as you steer towards the left, the front of the car will swing out into the road.

Stopping on the Right-Hand Side of the Road

This is a new manoeuvre that was introduced into the UK driving test in December 2017. The driving examiner will request that you pull up on the right-hand side of the road behind a parked vehicle. You will then be requested to reversed back for a distance prior to driving off again. This can be a very tricky manoeuvre. Firstly, you will be crossing oncoming vehicles in order to stop on the right and again, crossing oncoming vehicles when moving off.

When doing this manoeuvre it is advisable that you reversed back approximately two car lengths which will give you a good view of the road ahead. You should also consider having your window open so that you can hear the traffic before it actually comes into your view. When reversing, reverse slowly as possible, at crawling speed. Be prepared to stop of any vehicles approaching on your side of the road. If the road is narrow, consider stopping for traffic on both sides of the road. When moving off, it is most important that you do not force any traffic to slow down, swerve or to come to a stop. Lean forward or towards the right if possible. Remember, overall the driving test is based on safty.

Forward Bay Park Manoeuvre

Once again, the new manoeuvre that is introduced in December 2017. It was introduced to make the driving test more real life. According to leading insurance companies, most accidents in the UK take place at car parks.

This particular manoeuvre can be requested at the driving test centre car park at the very beginning or at the very end of the driving test. The driving examiner can also request that you carry out this manoeuvre in a public car park such as a supermarket car park. Whether it is requested in the test centre car park or a supermarket car park, observation during this manoeuver is most important. Observation is just as important, if not more important than the bay park itself. If the driver makes a mistake with the bay park, this can usually be corrected. However, if a mistake is made with the observation, it is usually too late to correct.

Have a good look around before driving forward into the box. You must then carry out your six point check before reversing out of the box. Once you are out of the box, the driving examiner will ask you to drive off. Bearing in mind you will have to read check all over before driving off again.

Reverse Bay Park Manoeuvre

This manoeuvre is very similar to the forward parking into the bay. The driving examiner will ask you to reverse park into a bay of your choice. Avoid parking, if possible into the first or the last bay. This is because usually if you go over the lines, you will only minor fault. However, if you chose the first or the last bay, but rather than the line you will end up going over the curb.

Hitting the Curb During a Manoeuvre

Many learner drivers wonder if there would fail their driving test if the hit the curb during a manoeuvre. The simple answer to this question is yes. However, you would the further driving test if you were to touch the curb. So what is the difference between hitting and touching the cur? Firstly, only the driving examiner can decide whether you actually hit or you touched the curb. If you drove into the curb at a speed that would be a hit. However, if you drove into the same curb, at the same angle but at crawling speed, this would be touching the curb. Touching the curb during a manoeuvre is generally a minor fault.

If you have recently failed a driving test, advisable to rebook at the earliest opportunity. The longer learner driver delays rebooking a driving test, the higher the possibility of them forgetting vital information. DTC Driving Test Services can guarantee you a driving test at a local driving test centre to within two weeks.

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